

Thursday, November 26, 2015

#Interview With TE Ridener!! :-)

Hey Everyone!! :-)

TE Ridener is joining us today to talk about her book 180 days.  TE, can you tell us about yourself and how many books you have written?

TE:  Well, I just recently turned 30 years old (yay!) and I live in Southeastern Kentucky. I'm unmarried and I don't have any children of my own, but I treat my niece and nephew like my children. I have written about 22 books, but only 19 of them are published right now. I run a Christmas charity called Giftapalooza and we help gift children in need within the indie community. We welcome the children of authors, bloggers, and readers. Last year we raised $6,000 in gifts for these children to open on Christmas morning and it was awesome! I love helping people. It's something I'm really passionate about. But I also really love sharing my stories with folks, too. That's pretty much me in a nutshell.

Me:  Happy Birthday!! :-)  Sounds like you're a busy lady! What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?

TE:  180 days is my latest release. I watched a movie on Netflix called 'Boy Meets Girl' and I knew going in that it was about a transgender girl, but what I didn't know was how much I would enjoy it. You can tell it's an indie movie, but the acting is tolerable and the storyline is really amazing. Plus, it took place in a small KY town and I am from a small KY town, so I instantly connected with it. After finishing the movie I got on Amazon and tried to find books just like it and I was disappointed at how very few there were, so I decided that needed to change. I love writing books about diverse characters. It wasn't long until Lydia captured my heart and I knew I had to get her story out there. I'm really proud of it.

Me:  I love stories that help bring some diversity to literature, I think I'll have to check yours out! :-)  What are you working on now?

TE:  Right now I am writing on the sequel and it's titled '90 Days'. It picks up just a few months later and it focuses more on the main character's sister and one of the main character's best friends. People loved the supporting characters so much they wanted to read more about them, so I decided it would make the perfect NaNoWriMo project. Of course, this one features a transmale and I am so excited to share things from his point of view. It's ultimately a romance, but I hope it can give support to those who need it and let them know they are loved. I also want it to spread awareness.

Me:  Sounds like a really amazing series!! :-) What authors, or books, have influenced you?

TE:  That list is long and ever changing! Authors I have always looked up to include Stephen King, Anne Rice, and R.L. Stine. They are definitely my top 3 and I read them as much as I could when I was little. Books that have influenced me include (and are not limited to) It by Stephen King, The Mating by Nicky Charles, That One Night by Josie Wright, and Once in Every Life by Kristin Hannah.

Me:  A scary story buff!! Wonderful! :-)  What are you reading now?

TE:   I tend not to read while I'm writing because I fear someone may inspire me /too/ much if you know what I mean. But when I catch a break here soon I plan on diving into Michael's Awakening by Jaclyn Osborn.

Me:  Ha! Yeah, I know what you mean. ;-)  For those who might consider reading your book, what would you tell them to expect?

TE:   They should expect a love story with lots of sweetness, some laughs, and tears. It's the tale of a girl who fought really hard to be herself and she has to fight for that every day.

Me:  Sounds like something many people can identify with. :-)  What is your favorite part of being an author?

TE:   Sharing my worlds with others. Changing minds and changing hearts. Helping bring families and friends closer together. Believe it or not, that's happened a few times. I've had two sets of cousins bond after they talked about 180 Days and realized each was accepting of the trans community, which helped them open up about certain things in their lives. That is awesome and totally priceless in my opinion.

Me:  You're right, that is priceless!! :-)  Do you have a day job as well?

TE:   I design covers for my fellow authors. As far as a day job goes, that's it for me. I enjoy Photoshop just as much as anyone else enjoys video games or tv.

Me:  That's a great talent to have!! :-)  What are the hardest and easiest parts about being a writer?

TE:   I think the hardest part for me is when I hit a wall. Sometimes I have to walk away for a few days and it literally makes me feel like I'm going insane. I love writing and get a little grouchy when I can't. It's sometimes also hard to believe in myself. We all experience self-doubt at some point, but I promise this is completely normal and you'll overcome it! The easiest part? For me there is no easy part, especially when it comes to saying goodbye to characters I've gotten attached to.

Me:  Yes, letting go of "friends" is always difficult.  What genre do you place your book in?

TE:   This particular book is a LGBT romance. I'd like to call it romance alone, but people like to get specific and I understand it's not going to be everyone's cup of tea.

Me:  True, but I agree with you, it sounds like a good, old-fashioned romance to me. :-)  Is there anything else you'd like to tell your readers?

TE:   Thank you for giving my books a chance. Without you, authors like me would practically be talking to ourselves. Keep reading. Keep getting lost in new worlds and falling in love with new characters. Life's too short not to read as much as you can.

Me:  Amen! :-)  Are there any links you'd like me to post?

TE:  Yes please! Here is the link to my author website, my FB page, my Twitter, and the buy links for 180 Days. Thank you! xx


Me: You're quite welcome, TE, and thank you so much for joining us here today! :-)  Everyone else, thank you also for stopping by and don't forget to check back tomorrow for the next installment of Mistral Dawn's Musings!! :-)

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