

Thursday, November 5, 2015

#Interview With Barbara Lieberman!! :-)

Hey Everyone!! :-)

Barbara Liberman has joined us today.  Barbara, can you tell us about yourself and how many books you have written?

Barbara:  I am a writer who is re-imagining 'happily ever after'. My stories are more than historical romances... they are about the power of words, the power of love, and the consequences of the choices we make. A New Jersey native, I moved to beautiful Southern California to start over. A mother of two, the owner of a handmade business called Seeds of Inspiration, an avid gardener, a life-long (and long-suffering) Phillies fan and a voracious reader, I have finally added 'author' to my list of accomplishments.  The Treasure of Ravenwood: A Fairy Tale was my first published book and has been voted to the top 40 Best Chapter Books for Young Girls List on Goodreads. It is also a RIF book (Reading is Fundamental) and is available through RifSoCal for children who would not otherwise know the joy of owning their own book.  To Miss the Stars was my second published book, the story of how a misdirected letter changes a very well-ordered life.  Message on the Wind is my third published book, is my first novel and the first book in my McEwen series. It is an historical romance.  All purchases of my books and swag support Project Semicolon (

Me:  Wow!  Busy, busy! :-)  What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?

Barbara:  Message on the Wind is my latest book. It is the story of Ellen Price whose life is changed overnight and the new life she creates in a new place, as a result. Even as her life changes, she changes the lives of all she meets. While pieces of the story (the main female character's name and temperament, the main male character's name), the story came to me as it is, with no other outside inspiration. The stories just come to me and I write them as they appear.

Me:  My stories seem to work that way too. :-  What are you working on now?

Barbara:  To Reap a Whirlwind is the second novel in the McEwen series, and is a prequel to Message on the Wind. It is due out in January, 2016 and I am very excited about it, because it really brings to life the McEwen family and their story, before Ellen Price arrives in Wyoming. Things hinted at in Message on the Wind are explained and characters you wish you could have known are there for you to fall in love with... or despise.

Me:  Sounds like fun!! :-)  What authors, or books, have influenced you?

Barbara:  Jan Cox Speas, who made me love historical romance, particularly of a Scottish nature. Diana Gabaldon, for setting the bar so very high for good writing. And JK Rowling, for inspiring me to keep going, no matter what life throws at me.

Me:  I think Ms. Rowling is an inspiration for a lot of us. ;-)  What are you reading now?

Barbara:  The Carriage by Jena Baxter. I'm really enjoying it!

Me:  Great! :-)  For those who might consider reading your book, what would you tell them to expect?

Barbara:  They should expect a romance, but so much more. Relationships are so important and shape us so deeply. So, there is a lot of love to explore between parents and children, siblings, and friends. I also do not shy away from the prejudice of the time and how it affected so many. There is humor, as well, especially as Ellen Price barrels into one situation after another without looking first.

Me:  Sounds almost Mark Twain-ish. ;-)  What is your favorite part of being an author?

Barbara:  Aside from holding my own book in my hand, it's the reactions of my readers. I've been messaged by someone in the middle of reading To Miss the Stars, telling me she will not read one more page until I assure her of the ending. Or by someone who is reading at red lights because she can't put down Message on the Wind. Or by a grandmother whose granddaughter adores Mouse from Treasure of Ravenwood, because she is her own fairy godmother. And, when someone talks to me about a character and shows me aspects of him or her I hadn't even seen myself, that tells me they are very three-dimensional and easy to relate to. I've had readers tell me that I've spoiled them for other authors. To me, that's a private "bestseller" list!  But equally exciting is the opportunity to help other writers self-publish for the first time. I love being a part of that process for them, so that they can experience the same joy and the same dream-come-true feeling that I have felt this past year. I've helped my 19-year-old daughter publish her first book and my 67-year-old friend publish hers, both of them realizing a huge dream for them.

Me:  That's awesome!!! It's always wonderful when we can help others realize their dreams.  And you're right, readers are the absolute best! :-)  Do you have a day job as well?

Barbara:  I do have a handmade business called Seeds of Inspiration but that has been put on the back burner for a bit, for a variety of reasons.
Me:  Well, best of luck with everything you have going on. :-)  What are the hardest and easiest parts about being a writer?

Barbara:  Easiest? The writing. Hardest? Getting uninterrupted time to write, I think.

Me: Ha! Yeah, that can be a challenge. What genre do you place your book in?

Barbara:  That's hard. It is an historical romance, because a romance lies at the center of this story. But, it's not erotica or a 'bodice-ripper' and the story doesn't end with the characters 'getting together'. It really starts there. I've both male and female fans of the book, which also tells me it appeals to a wide range of readers.

Me:  That's wonderful! :-)  Is there anything else you'd like to tell your readers?

Barbara:  That there is so much more to come, with this story line and cast of characters, and others waiting impatiently in the wings to tell their own stories. And that my books and swag support Project Semicolon. So you get a book to love, and support others at the same time.

Me:  Awesome! :-)  Are there any links you'd like me to post?

Thank you so much for visiting with us today, Barbara, and thank you everyone else for dropping by too!! :-)  Don't forget to stay tuned for the next installment of Mistral Dawn's Musings! :-)

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