

Saturday, October 3, 2015

#Fang & #Claw by Markie Madden! :-)

Hey Everyone!! :-)

Markie Madden is joining us here today with an interview with one of the characters in her new release novel, Fang and Claw (The Undead Unit Book 1).  Markie, take it away! :-)

Interview with a Vampire

Okay, a character, but she IS a vampire lol.

Q: Hi, welcome! Can you tell us your name and what you do for a living? And, you’re a Vampire. When were you born?

LA: I’m Lacey Anderson. I was born in Athens, Greece, in the later part of the 17th century. I’m a detective with the Dallas Police department.

Q: Ooh, that sounds a bit dangerous!?

LA: Sometimes, it can be. That’s why we’re well-trained in many different aspects of self-defense.

Q: You’re a Vampire. Does this mean you only work the night shift?

LA: (chuckle) No, that’s a common misconception. A vampire can be out in daylight, or even direct sunlight, but too much exposure causes our skin to itch, like a human with a sunburn or poison ivy. So we prefer not to spend too much time in direct sun.

Q: And that’s a result of the vampirococcus virus in your system, correct?

LA: Yes. It’s a symbiotic relationship, which means the virus must keep its host’s body at the peak of health. For example, the heart rate, temperature, blood pressure, or respiratory rate of a Vampire never deviates from optimum.

Q: Very interesting. Tell us a bit about your latest assignment with the police department.

LA: I’ve recently been put in charge of a new unit the department has come up with. Basically, we investigate crimes involving different species of Immortal. The administration thought we might have more success in solving crimes among the Undead if the entire unit was made up of Undead. Many species of Immortal are still wary of humans, and tend to keep to themselves, or at least, other Immortals. So I think they were hoping we could get victims to open up better if we were doing the interviews.

Q: So how is that working out?

LA: It’s hard to say. The unit’s so new. But I think we’re just about to wrap up our first big case.

Q: And what can you tell us about that?

LA: As you may know, I’m not authorized to give any information or comments regarding ongoing investigations. For that you’d have to contact our public relations office.

Q: I understand. So you’re nearly ready to…what do you say, close this case? An arrest is imminent?

LA: It’s a possibility.

Q: And you’re partnered up with a Werewolf! How does that work out, a Vampire and a Werewolf?

LA: Well, I wasn’t keen on the idea of having a partner in the first place. I’ve worked for the police department for a long time, most of it solo. They’d throw me to a partner every few years, mostly so I could train some of the new officers. But they know I work best alone.

Q: But you have a past as far as Wolves are concerned, isn’t that right?

LA: Yes. A pack of Wolves killed my entire family in Greece several hundred years ago. Turns out, my partner Colton is a descendant of that same pack. I didn’t know it, at first, but it made for a bit of awkwardness. I think we’ve both kind of gotten over that now.

Q: What can you tell us about what’s next for Lacey and Colton?

LA: In our line of work, there’s no telling what we may be up against from one day to the next. But at the end of the day, if we catch the bad guy and get him locked up, that’s good enough for me.

Q: Thank you, Lacey, for coming to talk to us. Folks, this has been an interview with Detective Lacey Anderson of the Dallas Police Department, and co-star of Fang and Claw, book one of The Undead Unit Series. Thanks for joining us!

A little more information about the series:
Over a hundred years in the future, it’s a world where supernatural beings live and work among humans. Of course, the government has forced them to take the Undead Oath in order to gain citizenship; they must not prey on humans for food. They’re often given tasks in jobs suited for their species, but just as among other minorities, they must struggle to prove themselves.
As if dealing with racial prejudice isn’t enough, there is also a criminal element, just as there is with any group of beings living in society. The Dallas Police Department has introduced an elite new squad made up of Undead officers and detectives. This unit is dedicated to solving crimes involving Immortals. Headed by veteran detective Lacey Anderson, can the Undead Unit overcome its obstacles, both internal and external, or will it be doomed to failure?

What you can expect from the book:
Lieutenant Lacey Anderson of the Dallas Police Department heads up a elite new squad dedicated to solving crimes involving Immortals like herself. Lacey, a Vampire left for dead when her family was slaughtered by Werewolves, still has nightmares about the attack.
Detective Colton Scarber is her unwilling partner and second-in-command. He’s a Werewolf, a descendant of those who killed Lacey’s coven. She’s unaware of this, but she doesn’t trust him from the start. When the fragile beginning of the team is threatened by the truth, can they learn to trust one another as partners must, or will the Undead Unit be doomed to failure?
A mysterious suspect and strange physical evidence leads them to solve a case spanning decades, and leaves Lacey with no other choice but to rely on her enemy when her very life is at stake!

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