

Friday, September 4, 2015

#StoryTime!!! :-)

Hey Everyone!! :-)

Okay, I promised you a happier post today, so here goes:  whose favorite time of the day when they were a kid was story time?  Mine certainly was!! :-)  The best part of the day was when I was snuggled down into my bed and my mom or dad was getting ready to tell me a story.

Sometimes they would read to me from a book, which was nice but not my favorite.  Occasionally, if I had been extra special good, they would make up a story to tell to me.  This was usually done on the fly and off the cuff, so it wasn't unusual for there to be holes in the plot of the story or other inconsistencies.  But those were my favorite parts!!  They gave me the opportunity to ask why something was the way it was in the story.  A lot of the time, the scrambled explanations were even more entertaining than the original story. ;-)  These questions always sent me off to dreamland with the most interesting thoughts spinning through my mind.

It never seemed to fail that, while I slept, my brain would take that raw material and weave it into something I could spend days contemplating, and turning inside out and upside down.  Yeah, I spent a lot of time in my head as a kid, but those flights of fancy were time well-spent.  The world around me was a never ending source of wonder and discovery, and I wouldn't have traded that for any amount of common sense or reality-checking.

I still like asking why.  Why is something the way it is?  And what if.  What if it changed in one way or another?  These questions are the entryway to some fantastic tales, and I can never wait to tear off the wrapping and see what lies underneath.  It's always something interesting, thought-provoking, and/or exciting!  So that's my thought for today:  always question, always wonder, always imagine.  Never underestimate how far your dreams can take you. :-)


  1. I remember in 6th grade we had story time after lunch every day. The teacher would read to us. She read Tom Sawyer once and that's the one I remember. It was my favorite time that year.

    1. That's awesome that she was able to make you love books like that!! :-)

  2. I fell in love w books at age 6, i was reading on a 10 year olds comprehesion and didnt fit in with all the little girls i kmew. So i began reading 2 or 3. Books a week even that early. I totally fell in head over heal over horse books and couldnt get enough.I started baby sitting at age 11 and begun reading to the kids and my reading turned into my best friends the time I was in high school; i would read the book assigned in english class and finish it in 2 days..and when i wasnt working..I was in the library..reading 5 -6 books a week; and then i started volunteering at the elementery school to read to kids ..i did that and volunteered in a day care center..just because i love kids and wanted to see them have a love for reading and stories the same way i did

    1. That's awesome! I think most good things start with a love of reading. :-)
