

Sunday, September 20, 2015

An #Interview With Adri Sinclair! :-)

Hey Everyone!! :-)

Adri Sinclair is joining us today to talk about her new release novel!!  Adri, please tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.  :-)

Adri:  Hi, I am Adri Sinclair – I’ve written 5 completed books as part of the Second Breath Chronicles.  The first three books are part of an Omnibus – Hidden Carmina, Carmina Released, Revealing Carmina; these three books are being re-branded and re-edited under the Booktrope banner.  The other two books are stand alone: Say My Name [book 4] & Fight or Flight [Book 5].  They are all PNR with a hint of darkness.  I am a mother to an artist and a wife to a computer geek – which means things can get a bit electric and eclectic in our house.

Me:  Ha! Sounds like fun!! :-)  What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?

Adri:  Fight or Flight – I write my own version of vampires. Ash & Agri’s story is a little darker than all the others, only because of the fight scenes – blood is spilled.  What inspired it… That is difficult to answer … I guess my fascination with the entire genre, I kept thinking: What if the MC does not want to be a vampire? Or what if the MC is a crap vampire? I guess the ‘What If’ theories became an obsession, which became a book.

Me:  I love "what ifs"! :-)  What are you working on now?

Adri:  Nephilim’s Garden. Not vampires this time, as clearly indicated, but… another twist on the mythology of the environment.

Me:  Mythology is great for inspirations! :-)  What authors, or books have influenced you?

Adri:  I really don’t know how to answer this – I think of my upbringing and the books I read then… And I guess I just went the complete opposite to that. I grew up on Romance books by Afrikaans Authors – always sweet, always generous and always with a feel good HEA. I kept some of it though… But Romance means something different to each person, so… 

Me:  Very true!  What are you reading now?

Adri:  I actually picked up The Unseen University. By the Late Sir Pratchett again. I usually do not read any book more than once [unless I am gobbling it down and skipping pages, then I have to go back hehe] I guess I became extremely nostalgic of late, and realized we won’t be getting anything new by this genius person. I own every, single, book [+ audio of them all!] this man wrote.

Me:  It's fun visiting old friends. ;-)  For those who might consider reading your book, what would you tell them to expect?

Adri:  Anything but the normal? Yes, I write vampires; but I hope to have established a different approach to the entire business of vampires – which includes various other mythological creatures heavily founded in Sumerian myths and legends.

Me:  Interesting!! :-)  What is your favorite part of being an author?

Adri:  There’s a lot about being an Author I absolutely love – but I will admit to loving the writing itself. I enjoy living in my own head, in my own world. I am comfortable and they know me there! Hehe.

Me:  Ha!  Yes, it's nice to be surrounded by the familiar. ;-)  Do you have a day job as well?

Adri:  I do – though many wouldn’t call it that. I live a pretty tight regime and work from home as a freelance contractor for Marketing & Advertising.

Me:  Cool!!  What would you say are the hardest and easiest parts about being a writer?

Adri: The hardest part is having to step away from it all to become a functioning human being in the real world.  The easiest part is writing it all down and then rolling around in the words mentally, to make them stick to me.

Me:  Yes, I hate it when I'm pulled away from writing because it's time to adult. :-/  What genre do you place your book in?

Adri:  Paranormal Dark Romance – Though it can pass for Dark Fantasy too, as I cross the boundaries. I suppose innately, Romance will cover them all. 

Me:  Some of my favorites!! :-)  Is there anything else you'd like to tell your readers?

Adri:  Mostly, just… Thank you. I think the biggest accomplishment in this process, is to have someone willing and able to take the time to read what I put down. It is humbling and scary at the same time. Mostly, it is just a need to hug each person and whisper a heartfelt ‘Thank you’.

Me:  I completely agree!! We love you, readers!! :-)  And so these fabulous people can find your work, are there any links you'd like me to post?

Adri:  Yes please, I’m always happy and willing to connect.

Amazon Author’s page:
FB Author Page:
Google+ :
Personal Website:

Me:  Awesome!! Thank you so much for stopping by today, Adri.  Everyone else, thank you too!! And don't forget to pick up your copy of Adri's latest, Fight or Flight!!  It's free for a short time on Amazon.  I know I've already got my copy!! ;-)