

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

A #Little Goes A #Long #Way ;-)

Hey Everyone!! :-)

I just thought I'd take the opportunity today to let you all know I've set up a Patreon account.  What is a Patreon account, you ask?  Good question!  I didn't know until recently, either. ;-)  Patreon is a crowdfunding platform, sort of like Kickstarter.  But instead of being geared towards funding one, specific project, it's meant to fund ongoing work.  In this case, my blog and writing.

Now don't get upset, my blog will remain free.  Nothing's changing.  Contributing to Patreon is completely voluntary.  No matter what, I will continue blogging as much as possible and I'll keep writing stories and getting them out to you as fast as I can.  You'll still get to hear my thoughts on random topics, and I'll still post sneak peeks of my work. I'll also continue to introduce you to the work of other authors so you can find new favorite reads. :-)  All the Patreon campaign is meant to do is make it possible for me to focus on writing more.  After all, there are only so many hours in every day.  The fewer I have to spend earning money to live on, the more I'll be able to devote to creating new content and stories.  :-)

Also, I plan to have some nifty thank you prizes for people who help me out in this way.  At the moment, those prizes are limited to free Kindle copies of my stories, but if I can get enough cash together I'll create some cool "prize bundles" that I'll be able to start sharing.  I'll also figure out a way to share exclusive content with donors.  Perhaps some short stories that will only be available to those who contribute or extra advance looks at what I'm working on at the time.  I'm certainly open to suggestions as to what kinds of prizes you'd like to see. ;-)

How does Patreon work, exactly?  Well, you specify how much you'd like to give, as little or as much as you'd like, and then provide your payment information (which I never see, it's kept private).  There are a couple of suggested donation levels to qualify for prizes, but you can change the amount just by typing in a different number.  And that's pretty much it.  If you qualify for a prize, I'll contact you to arrange to send it to you.  

Anyway, that's all for now.  If you'd like to donate, great!  Thank you very much, I really appreciate it!  The link will be down below.  Feel free to check it out, even if you're just curious.  If not, that's okay.  Thanks for taking the time to read this, and don't miss the extra little peek at Captivated By The Winter King at the bottom of this post.  Glad you all could join me today, and don't forget to stay tuned for the next edition of Mistral Dawn's Musings!!! :-)

Excerpt From Captivated By The Winter King (coming soon!):
He smiled, "Yes, but most Fae do not walk around advertising their power. They keep their auras suppressed, so that any enemies they may have won't know exactly how strong they are."

She thought about it, "That's reasonable. Is that what you're doing now?"

Nodding, he said, "Yes."  He gave her teasing smirk and asked, "Would you like to feel my power?"

Shivering, she grinned back at him, "Yes, but not here and not tonight."

"Oh? And what is it you'd like to do tonight?" he flirted. The smile she gave him in return scorched him.

"Let me show you," she invited.

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