

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Lisa Beth Darling #Interviewed By Mistral Dawn

Hey Everyone!!! :-)

Lisa Beth Darling has joined us today to tell us about herself and her work. Lisa, please tell us about yourself and how many books you have written.

Lisa:  Currently, I have 18 books on the market but that's not the limit to the books and stories I've written. To date, I've penned somewhere around 22 novels and 40+ shorter stories.

Me:  Sounds like you've been busy! :-)  What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?

Lisa:  My most current release is entitled Mysterious Ways and it is the third installment in my Sister Christian series. This series revolves around a brother, Richard Mason, and a sister, Hannah Rice, who knew each other as children but didn't know they were siblings. Mason is a world-famous physician, a borderline alcoholic and drug addict, and notorious loner. Thirty years ago, Hannah had been headed for college when she was in a severe car accident and spent most of her life in group homes. Mason is 'reunited' with her when his biological father dies leaving him in charge of Hannah. The inspiration for this series was my desire to do something a little different—to get away from romance/erotica for a while--and to tell a simple story that still had great impact on the reader.

Me:  Interesting. :-) What are you working on now?

Lisa:  I've just started work on a continuation of my OF WAR Series entitled War on Blue Mountain. Technically, the OF WAR Series has concluded so this may be start of a new series with the same cast of incredible characters; Ares God of War, his wife Alena, their children Raven and Rose. This story takes place in a post-apocalyptic and post-Olympus world decimated by Major Falls a disease unleashed by Apollo in "Rising Son", book #4 in the OF WAR series. Readers can expect to be reunited with at least one old enemy who is hell bent on destroying the peaceful settlement on Blue Mountain.

Me:  Sounds exciting!  What authors or books have influenced you?

Lisa:  My biggest influence will always be Stephen King but I read a lot of my mother's books growing up so Jacqueline Susan, VC Andrews, Judith Rossner, Mary Higgins Clark, and Harold Robbins are also great influences.

Me:  Lots of scary stories there! What are you reading now?

Lisa:  I just finished editing a children's book for a friend.

Me:  Cool!  For those who might consider reading your books, what would you tell them to expect?

Lisa:  With the exception of the Sister Christian series—and even then not so much—readers can expect darker stories full of sex, romance, lust, suspense, betrayal, rage, and with any luck at all, redemption. Generally, they are not for those like a sweet read or insist on a HEA. Again, with the exception of the Sister Christian series, all fiction stories contain scenes of graphic sex and violence.

Me:  Sounds great! :-) What is your favorite part of being an author?

Lisa:  Creating my own worlds and getting lost in the rush as I fly through The Zone with the Muse.

Me:  Yes, that is fun. :-) Do you have a day job as well?

Lisa:  Yes, I'm the secretary/web mistress/mailing list mom/office manager/sole support system for a local trades union.

Me:  Busy lady! What are the hardest and easiest parts about being a writer?

Lisa:  Most days the hardest part is getting started and staying motivated. Self-doubt is a real buzz kill. The easiest is when I stop listening to myself and start doing whatever it is the Muse wants. He's always right. Funny that.

Me:  Gotta love that muse. ;-) In what genre do you place your books?

Lisa:  I don't pigeon-hole myself into a genre as I feel it's too limiting. As a writer, I want to stretch my wings and try my hand at different things just as an actor wishes to explore different types of roles. All of my fiction is relationship-based in that the central story revolves around a couple. My tales run the gambit from romance to erotica, paranormal to contemporary, horror to action and everything in between. I also do non-fiction.

Me:  Awesome!  Any links you'd like me to post?

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