

Saturday, August 15, 2015

#Author #Interview With AK Michaels!! :-)

Hey Everyone!!! :-)

A. K. Michaels has joined us today! :-)  A. K., will you please tell us about yourself and how many books you have written?

AK:  I live in Bonnie Scotland, I’ve been married for a long time, in fact we have our 35th Wedding Anniversary very soon! We’ve got three children and three grandkids and I’m just like most nanas, I spoil them rotten and love them to death. I’ve got my 25th book up for preorder, The Black Rose Chronicles, Deceit and Lies, and I’ve finished my 26th which is book 6 in my Highland Wolf Clan series. That’s with betas at the moment before it goes off to my editor.

Me:  Sounds like you've been busy! :-)  What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?

AK:  My latest book that’s available, on preorder, is The Black Rose Chonicles, Deceit and Lies and the main character, Rose, is a hybrid Witch/Wolf who is a kick ass assassin. She actually started to talk to me a while ago but I was writing the Highland Wolf Clan series and wanted to try and get as much of that done before I started on her story. She’s kinda cheeky and pushy because she just got louder and louder, until I had to put aside Highland and write the beginning of her story. I love her, even if she’s a pain in the backside, because she’s a really strong and tough heroine in a world that’s been devastated by an inter-species war.

Me:  HA! I have characters like that too! :-)  What are you working on now?

AK:  I’ve just sent the last in the Highland series to beta readers and I’ve already started the second book in The Black Rose Chronicles series. Rose is in deep trouble in this one and it’s a distinct possibility that even with all her talents, she may need help from others. Something that she’s definitely not used to.

Me:  Oh my!! I guess you'd better find her that help, huh? ;-)  What authors, or books have influenced you?

AK:  I guess I’d have to say Enid Blyton for getting me hooked on books in the first place, when I was young. If I hadn’t started reading her Famous Five series when I was a child, I may not have found the magic in the written word.

Me:  Ah yes, just like any addiction, book addicts start when they are young. ;-) What are you reading now?

AK:  I’m ‘between books’ at the moment! I don’t have a lot of time for reading now, I only read for a wee while in bed at night, and I’m eagerly awaiting some new releases from my favorite authors! I love Nav Logan’s epic fantasy series - The Stormbringer-saga, and can’t wait for book three in that. Also love Eden Elsworth’s stories, especially her Real World series and I’m waiting on her new one - Eden, if you see this - write faster! I also adore Monica La Porta’s Immortals series and I’m breathlessly waiting on her new one.

Me:  Fan girls and boys everywhere can relate and are thinking about their own obsessions right now.  Aren't you all?  Huh? Huh? ;-)  For those who might consider reading your book, what would you tell them to expect?

AK:  Firstly, my books are for adults, there are hot scenes in them! Also, my men are just that, men, not boys and that’s regardless of whether they’re Vampires, Wolves, Witches, Angels, or a host of other beings. There’s lots of suspense and action, I do love writing a good fight scene.

Me:  Sounds like fun!! :-)  What is your favorite part of being an author?

AK:  I love letting my imagination run free but it’s also to give me some peace inside my head. I started writing as part of my therapy (I’m OCD and have anxiety issues) and it was just to actually get the words out of my head. However, what I’ve found is that when one story is ‘out’ another one usually jumps right on in.

Me:   Ah, the writer's curse (blessing?). ;-)  Do you have a day job as well?

AK:  Not now. I worked in the finance industry for many years, in banking here in Scotland, and in offshore finance when we lived in Cyprus. Now I work full-time at something I adore and couldn’t be happier.

Me:  Lucky you!! :-)  What are the hardest and easiest parts of being a writer?

AK:  Gosh, the hardest part I’d say is the promotional side of things. It’s hard work and takes up a lot of time that I’d rather be writing. The easiest part, for me, is the writing. I love it and when I’m ‘in the zone’ the house could collapse around me and I wouldn’t even notice.

Me:  Testify, sister! ;-)  What genre do you place your book in?

AK:  Paranormal Romance and the latest, The Black Rose Chronicles, is a hybrid Paranormal/Dystopian.

Me:  Oooo!! I may need to check those out! :-) Is there anything else you’d like to tell your readers?

AK:  Thank you! A huge thank you to anyone who’s bought, read, and reviewed any of my stories. I also love it when someone comes onto Facebook and chats about what they’ve read of mine. So, if you’ve read anything of mine, please pop over and let me know what you thought.

Me:  Yes, readers and reviewers are gold!  Thank you all for being awesome!! :-)  And so all these wonderful people can find your books, are there any links you’d like me to post?