

Friday, July 3, 2015

Thanks! It's Been #Fun! :-)

Dear Readers,

As I'm sure all of you must be aware by now, last week the US Supreme Court announced their landmark decision legalizing same-sex marriage across the United States.  I consider this a huge step forward towards achieving true equality in our society, and have been very vocal on social media about my support of this new law.  To date, I've received 23 emails from people informing me, with varying levels of vitriol, that they will no longer be purchasing or reading my stories.  

I certainly understand sincerely held beliefs, having many of my own, so I'd like to take this opportunity to thank these individuals for taking the time to write to me, and for explaining their thoughts.  I always welcome all points of view, and I appreciate your past support and wish you all the best in the future.  To be honest, I believe your decisions are probably for the best, as I do not think you would enjoy the direction in which I will be taking my series.

I'm very sorry you feel the way you do, more sorry than you probably understand, though my sorrow has nothing to do with your lost patronage. It is not in me to fail to rejoice and celebrate when a significant portion of the population finally, after many years of struggle, gains a basic human right that had previously been denied to them.  The United States, the country that I was born in, have lived in all my life, and which I love, was built on the principles that all people are equal, that we are all endowed with certain inalienable rights, and that among those rights are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  The Supreme Court's decision regarding same-sex marriage upholds those principles beautifully, and the only possible response for me is to laud it.  

As I said, I wish you all the best, and I fervently hope, someday, all of you are able to open your hearts to people who only want the same rights that so many of us take for granted.  Until then, thank you for everything, and it's been fun! :-)

Peace To My Sisters & Brothers Everywhere,
Mistral Dawn