

Monday, May 4, 2015

Xavier Neal #Interviewed By Mistral Dawn

Hey Everyone!! :-)

Xavier Neal and Logan, one of her characters, are joining us today to talk about her writing and her latest #new #release!! :-) Please tell us about yourself and how many books you have written, Xavier.

Xavier: I am bubbly and a bag of giggles. My favorite thing to do in the world is laugh. I'm also a giant Nerd and it's awesome.

Logan: Understatement on the giant nerd thing. I'm a professional MMA fighter.

Xavier: She didn't ask you. She asked me. And as of April, I have written and published 16 times.

Logan: Don't look impressed. They weren't all about me.

Me: Ha! Sounds like you two have known each other for a while. ;-) What is the name of your latest book, Xavier, and what inspired it?

Xavier: Suffocate came out April 3rd, and it's a part of the Senses series. I don't necessarily get inspired, so much as they talk and I listen. Luke, who is a member of the Senses series with Logan, had a story of his own he needed to tell, so he did.
Logan: Yeah...we all have secrets, but we all have love for each other too. Just because you have a secret doesn't mean we love you any less.

Me: Very true, Logan. What are you working on now, Xavier?

Xavier: I am working on edits for Collapse a novel in my Havoc series.

Logan: Don't pay attention to it. She doesn't love them like she does me.

Xavier: So you keep telling yourself...

Me: Ha! Well that's exciting, Xavier! What authors, or books have influenced you?

Logan: Prepare for the world's longest list.

Xavier: Shut up. Lol. Tess Oliver, Kristine Cayne, Selena Laurence, Jaime Reese, Harper Sloan, JR Ward, Colleen Hoover, just to name a few authors some who I personally know and some who I don't. They have touched me in different ways and shaped me as an author.

Me: Very cool! :-) What are you reading now?

Xavier: I'm going to start the latest from J.R. Ward right after edits.

Logan: I'm not a big reader, but my wife Maxx, just finished this book called Vodka Dreams.

Me: Both sound like awesome reads! :-) For those who might consider reading your book, what would you tell them to expect?

Xavier: Depends on--

Logan: Read me. That's what I would tell them. Justin, don't read him, he's child's play and Grim, don't read that Marine, he's cold. Read me. I'll do more than keep you warm at night. I'll set those sheets on fire.

Xavier: God, you think so much of yourself.

Logan: Eh. It's true.

Xavier: I would tell you if you wanna read a fun book that talks to you, read the Senses series. It's fun and sexy. If you need something that's an emotional roller coaster, try the Havoc series.

Me: Something for everyone, wonderful! :-) What is your favorite part of being an author?

Logan: Talking to me.

Xavier: Having people wanna hear the stories of the characters who just wanna be heard.

Logan: How is that different than what I said?

Me: HA! :-) Do you have a day job as well?

Logan: Boooo.

Xavier: Why are you booing my day job?

Logan: Less time for you to focus on me. In fact I know if you didn't have a day job I would get at least 5 more books.

Xavier: *puts a hand up to ignore him* I am a part time nanny for an OBGYN. I'm also a marketing consultant.

Me: Busy lady! :-) What would you say are the hardest and easiest parts about being a writer?

Logan: Easiest? Talking to me.

Xavier: Hardest? Talking to Logan.

Logan: Hey!

Xavier: *laughs* Okay no. Hardest part is when people are so mean to you in reviews and then when people are so mean to each other in the industry. Both of those are hard to stomach because I want a world that's positive and uplifting and so I try to be that change. Easiest part? Writing. Lol.

Me: I agree with you, it's hard dealing with people who seem determined to be unkind. What genre do you place your book in?

Xavier: Senses series and Havoc series are both in Romance with subgenres, and The Never Say Neverland series is fantasy.

Logan: I am in a genre all my own...

Me: I'm sure you are Logan. Xavier, is there anything else you'd like to tell your readers?

Logan: Meet me. You won't be sorry.

Xavier: They might I would say, whether it's my book or another author's book, pay attention to your desire to read it, not necessarily someone else's review or opinion because you might feel completely different. Take those chances on new books. Sometimes they are more than worth it.

Me: Agreed! :-) And so all of theses fine folks can find your work, are there any links you'd like me to post?

Suffocate is available now:
Meet Logan for only .99cents here:
Grab Logan's complete sexy fun story here:
Author Page:
Author Website:


  1. Lol, this is a great interview. You guys made me laugh the entire time. =)
