

Monday, May 11, 2015

Jamie Jeffries #Interviewed By Mistral Dawn! :-)

Hey Everyone! :-)

Jamie Jeffries has joined us today to talk about her awesome novels! :-) Can you tell us a bit about yourself and how many books you have written, Jamie?

Jamie: Let’s see. I started writing because I didn’t want to work in retail, the only option open to me at the time. I started out by ghost-writing non-fiction books, and then a client approached me about fiction. Since then, I’ve written five thrillers, four erotic romance novels and a novella in that category and three romantic suspense novels. Not all of them are published, and some are published under different pen names. Jamie Jeffries is the pen name for the romantic suspense books. As of April 9, I’m about to publish the third one, literally today.

Me: Wow!! Busy lady! :-) What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?

Jamie: The latest is Fatal Divide. During my research for Fatal Exposure, I learned that the Tohono O’odham tribe has endured even worse treatment than other Native American peoples in nearby regions. Their ancestral lands were actually cut in half when the border between Mexico and the US was established in 1870. I’ll save the rest for the book, but it’s a truly discouraging situation, and I wanted to bring it to light in the context of the series I’m writing, Desert Heat.

Me: That's terrible! I hate that history is full of tragedies. What are you working on now?

Jamie: I just gave Fatal Intent, the third book in my Desert Heat series, to my editor, and now I'm outlining the fourth book. I plan to release Fatal Intent on June 5, but of course that will depend on when I get it back from the editor.

Me: Best of luck with that, it's great that you are able to educate and entertain at the same time. What authors, or books, have influenced you?

Jamie: Too many to name, actually. I grew up on Louisa May Alcott and classics from previous generations. For the romantic suspense category, JA Jance, Nevada Barr and a newer writer, Kendra Elliot.

Me: Cool! :-) What are you reading now?

Jamie: I’m actually reading some Young Adult titles, as a judge for my local RWA chapter’s annual contest. Sorry, can’t reveal which ones.

Me: Ha! Mysterious! ;-) For those who might consider reading your book, what would you tell them to expect?

Jamie: They can expect to follow the main character, Alex, and her love interest, Dylan, from Fatal Exposure as they delve into another murder mystery that seems to involve Dylan. Alex and Dylan have major problems to overcome if they’re ever going to be together in a more serious relationship, and this book explores both of their feelings about how it’s going.

Me: Ooooo! Sounds fun! :-) What is your favorite part of being an author?

Jamie: The freedom. That was the first attraction, and it remains the best, though I’m enough of a workaholic that I don’t often exercise it. I also love the creation process, and the ability to connect with readers, who always have higher praise for my books than I expect.

Me: Ha! Yes, readers are awesome!! Do you hear that, readers? We love you!! :-) Do you have a day job as well?

Jamie: This is my day job. ALL day, EVERY day. LOL

Me: Lucky lady!! :-) What is the hardest and easiest part about being a writer?

Jamie: I think the hardest, for me, has been the realization that even though I’m an English major and can recognize superior writing, it isn’t that easy to do it. The easiest part is finding educational resources to help with that. The internet has so much to offer, both in learning writing technique and for research. One could literally be home-bound and still do it.

Me: True, the internet is truly one of the greatest inventions ever! ;-) What genre do you place your book in?

Jamie: All of the Jamie Jeffries books are romantic suspense. The first one, Impermanent and the Desert Heat series have protagonists in the New Adult age group. As time goes on, I expect to branch out with older characters, but it will still be romantic suspense.

Me: Awesome! Is there anything else you'd like to tell your readers?

Jamie: Oh yes! Thank you, thank you, thank you, for reading my books and for reviews. But especially for reading!

Me: Amen! :-) And so these fine folks can find your work, are there any links you'd like me to post?

Jamie: Sure! Would you post my website., and maybe my Facebook page,

Absolutely, there they are! ;-) Thank you for stopping by today, and thank you everyone else for joining us! Please stay tuned for more of Mistral Dawn's musings! :-)