

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Julie Nicholls #Interviewed By Mistral Dawn

Hey Everyone!! :-)

Julie Nicholls has been kind enough to join us today!  She's a wonderful author, a talented artist, and an amazing human being who I am honored to call my friend!! :-)  Hi Julie, will you tell us a bit about yourself and how many books you have written?

Julie:  Hi, Mistral, I’ve written one full novel, Demon Within, and two short stories, both of which are available for purchase in ebook format on Amazon.

Me:  Wonderful!!  What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?

Julie:  Demon Within is the title, and initially the fallen angels theme, which I’ve adopted, was one of my role-playing characters. When I decided to have another go at writing a book,  (this is my third attempt), I wanted to use the angels story, and once I told my husband of my plan, we started talking about it and wham, within an hour, we had the basis for the novel.

Me:  That's amazing!! I've heard of role-playing, but I don't know that much about it. What are you working on now?

Julie:  The second book in the Fallen Angels series is called, Angel Within, and that’s currently going through the editing process.

Me:  Oh my! I'm currently in editing mode myself, it's quite an adventure! :-)  What authors, or books, have influenced you?

Julie:  I love to read Cherise Sinclair, Sylvida Day, Sherrilyn Kenyon and Karen Marie Moning to name but a few.

Me:  Amazing! Those are some of my favorite authors too! Small world. ;-)  For those who might consider reading your book, what would you tell them to expect?

Julie:  Expect an interesting story with plot twists, secrets, lovable characters, and steamy bedroom scenes. I’ve had very positive feedback from readers, and most have said they read it in two sessions and can’t wait to read the next book.

Me:  Awesome!! That sounds great!! Actually, Demon Within is on my TBR list and I can't wait to get to it! :-)  What is your favorite part of being an author?

Julie:  Interaction with readers. I enjoy social media and having fun is one of my prime directives! I have to be happy, and engaging with readers, friends and new friends, makes for a good day.
I also love painting the covers for my books.

Me:  I totally agree!! Interacting with readers is definitely one of the best parts of being an author.  Thank you to all you readers out there for being so awesome!! :-)  Wow, you write and paint the covers?  That's amazing! Do you have a day job as well?

Julie:  Hell no! I don’t have time! *grinning* I’m am retired, having left England nine years ago to retire to  Bulgaria for a quiet life, I’m thoroughly enjoying myself. I write, paint and do a little bit of gardening when I can be arsed.

Me:  That's wonderful!!!! It's great that you're getting to pursue your passions. :-) What is the hardest?

Julie:  I have trouble getting my brain out of ‘writing mode’, especially if I’m excited, which is usually most of the time. I get a bid giddy and have trouble concentrating on anything else.

Me:  HA! Yeah, sometimes it is hard to tone down the enthusiasm, especially when the story starts to consume your life. ;-)  What genre do you place your book in?

Julie:  Romance, fantasy, paranormal.. I would say borderline erotica. My scenes are relatively explicit and therefore I’m not sure if they’re considered erotica. Maybe someone would let me know?

Me:  I'm in the same boat with you, my sex scenes are explicit, but they start happening fairly late in the story.  Anyone want to chime in?  Erotica or not? :-)  Is there anything else you'd like to tell your readers, Julie?
Julie:  I’d like to say Thank You! Because without the support of readers, I wouldn’t be talking to you, nor would I have met you and all the other wonderful writers I’m engaging with at the moment.

Me:  So true!! Readers, we cannot say thank you enough for your support!! :-)  And so all of these wonderful people can find you and your books, are there any links you'd like me to post?

Demon Within available on Amazon ebook & paperback

Angel Within available on Amazon for preorder

My erotic writing site



Julie Nicholls artwork

Great!!! Thank you so much for visiting with us today Julie!! Best of luck with your editing, and I know a lot of people are waiting impatiently for the next book!! :-) Everyone else, thank you so much for reading this interview today, and please stay tuned for the latest in interviews, excerpts and musings!! :-)

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