

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Jen Winters #Interviewed By Mistral Dawn

Hey Everyone!!! :-)

The #amazing Jen Winters has been kind enough to join us today! Jen, will you tell us about yourself and how many books you have written?

Jen: I have one novel and one novelette out right now. Kissing Demons is available on Amazon, and Kissing the Rain is available basically everywhere.

Me: I'm reading Kissing the Rain right now! Very hot!! ;-) What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?

Jen: Kissing Demons is a paranormal romance that I wrote in reaction to a bad divorce (is there such a things as a good divorce?) and the need to do something with my life besides being a failure. That was six years ago and I am a better person today than I was then, and Kissing Demons is better after three rewrites than it was then too.

Me: Practice makes perfect!! :-) And I agree, writing is wonderful therapy! ;-) What are you working on now?

Jen: Right now I am working on the next in the Guardian series, Falling Angels. It follows the life of Ambrose, one of the fallen, and his romance with Lavinia, a Guardian with a few extras.

Me: Sounds exciting! :-) What authors, or books, have influenced you?

Jen: Certainly Sherrilyn Kenyon has influenced me the most as far as my choice of romantic sub-genre and my goals for my career. James Patterson has also has significant influence because of his journey into self-publishing, and Stephen King, whose stories I've never liked, but whose prose I find ultimately beautiful.

Me: I agree with you, Stephen King definitely has a way with words. I read an essay he wrote about how we all have "alligators in the basement" that we need to feed, the darker aspects of our psyches, and how horror fiction is a great, and non-violent, way to do that. I really enjoyed that essay, and still remember it even though I read it more than 15 years ago. :-) What are you reading now?

Jen: I am reading several novels concurrently: Captured Lies by Maggie Thom, and Bound by the Summer Prince, by our very own Mistral Dawn, and a couple of books by Jamie Jeffries that she gave me for review.

Me: *happy dance!!!* Thank you! :-) I very much hope you are enjoying it! For those who might consider reading your book, what would you tell them to expect?

Jen: Hmm, good question. Based upon my reviews so far, I would say my readers can expect a sweet romance interspersing an action-packed paranormal novel. Kissing Demons was my debut novel, and while I am proud of it, honestly I can say it is a 4 star read, but I can also say that my skills as a word weaver have enhanced since the writing of Kissing Demons and I very much expect Falling Angels to blow my readers away.

Me: Awesome!! It's such an amazing feeling when a story comes together! :-) What is your favorite part of being an author?

Jen: I have many things I love about being an author, but the unexpected review is by far the best part. I give my book away for reviews almost every week, but the reviews I get from the readers who bought the book are much more exciting and make me feel much more accomplished.

Me: I know that feeling well, it's so amazing to know that other people enjoy our work! :-) Do you have a day job as well?

Jen: I do! I am a stay at home mother and homeschool teacher. Did you mean a job that pays in more than hugs and kisses on a good day? Then, no. I do not.

Me: Ha! Sounds like you have all of the best jobs!!! :-) Lucky lady! What are the hardest and easiest parts about being a writer?

Jen: Hardest part is making sure I take the time to write every day. The easiest part is getting my ideas. Seriously. Don't ask me where I find inspiration, I don't have to find it--it stalks me.

Me: Yeah, my characters come and bug me while I'm sleeping if they don't think I'm writing fast enough. ;-) What genre do you place your book in?

Jen: It is solidly in the paranormal romance subgenre.

Me: One of my favorites! :-) Anything else you'd like to tell your readers?

Jen: I'd love for my readers to feel free to ask me anything. I probably won't even lie! :D

Me: Wonderful!! So there you have it folks, she wants you to stalk her! ;-) And to make that task easier, here are her links!


Thank you so much for joining us here today, Jen, and thank you everyone else for dropping by to hang with us. :-) Please check back often, because there will be updates, contests, interviews, and more musings coming soon! :-)

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