

Monday, March 9, 2015

CK Dawn Interviewed By Mistral Dawn

Hi Everyone! :-)

Today CK Dawn, a debut novelist, is joining us! Can you tell us about yourself and your book CK?

CK:  Hi! My name is CK Dawn and my urban fantasy novel was released in September 2014 and it was super exciting and terrifying to hit that publish button! I love coffee, my cats, and my boyfriend! But totally not in that order. (Sorry honey.)

Me:  How exciting!  Doesn't it feel great to be able to say your a published novelist? ;-)  What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?

CK:  The name of my book is Cloak of Shadows (The Netherwalker Series Book 1)

I had an idea playing around in my head for quite a while and with a little nudge (Okay, a pretty big push) from my lil' sis, I gave it and the characters life and it's been a fantastic experience ever since! 

Me:  Sounds like your sister is your biggest fan! ;-)  What are you working on now?

CK:  Right now I'm working on book 2, Cloak of Secrets, and the prequel, A Neophyte's Journey which is all about everyone's favorite pint size powerhouse Abbey Thorne.

Me:  Busy, busy! :-)  Are there any authors, or books, who have influenced you?

CK:  I love supporting authors who write about strong independent women who don't wait for Prince Charming to save them and do it themselves.  Some of my favorite are Karen Marie Moning, Laurel K Hamilton, and George R R Martin.

Me:  You know, I love all of those authors too!  The way they build their characters is definitely something to emulate. :-)  What are you reading now?

CK:  I'm reading Renaria by J.L. Wilson and it's great!

Me:  Great!  For those who might consider reading your book, what would you tell them to expect?

CK:  It's a new modern day spin on Camelot and the Knights of the Round Table. It's not a romance novel but there is definitely romance within the pages and there are two strong female protagonists. Here's the blurb:

    What if all you've ever known of King Arthur's legend was a lie to mislead you from the truth? What if Camelot truly existed, but was destroyed to keep its secrets? What if there were descendants of the Knights of the Round Table defending us today from the creatures that lurk within the shadows? If the gloaming came looking for you would you answer its call? 

     Fourteen year old Abigail Thorne answered the gloaming and it turned her life upside down. Along with her mentor Lourdes Reese, a seasoned hunter in the King's Court, she now banishes the evil shadows while most dociles sleep in their beds.

     Fighting hidden creatures that feed on humans, glimpsing fractures that lead to another world, and wielding magical weapons all before geometry? That's a normal day for Abbey now, and she loves every minute of it. But, she has no idea that being sent to Britain for her last hunter trial will unleash a chain of events that will change everything and everyone she loves forever.

     A life will be lost, a life will be taken, and an unexpected new romance will emerge all while the fate of two worlds balances on the edge of a hunter's blade.

Me:  Wow! Sounds intense! :-)  What is your favorite part of being an author?

CK:  My favorite part so far is interacting with people that have read Cloak of Shadows and hearing what they think about the story. I love when they get excited about the characters and the world I created. I've also loved meeting other authors through social media. The support and kinship's have been tremendous.

Me:  Yeah, we do kind of have a close-knit little community, don't we? :-)  Do you have a day job as well?

CK:  No. But I do have a night job. :P  

Me:  Ha! I know that feeling! ;-)  What is the hardest and easiest part about being a writer?

CK:  The hardest part about being a writer has to be having patience. Everything takes time. From waiting for reviews to waiting for word of mouth and promotions to spread, everything takes time and then more time. The easiest thing has been reaching out and talking to bloggers. They rock!!

Me:  I hear you, patience is not my strong suit either!  What genre do you place your book in?

CK:  Young Adult, Science fiction & Fantasy

ME:  Awesome! Is there anything else you'd like to tell your readers?

CK:  To my readers I just want to give a great big THANK YOU. I love to write and create new worlds. It is my bliss. But without you those worlds remain very, very small. Thank you for loving to read! And thank, Mistral Dawn, for this wonderful opportunity you've given me to share my story.  <3  ~ck dawn

Me:  You're very welcome, CK, happy to have you! :-)  And so our lovely readers can find your wonderful novel, are there any links you'd like me to post?

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