

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Ch'kara SilverWolf #Interviewed By Mistral Dawn!

Hi Everyone!!! :-)

Ch'kara SilverWolf has been kind enough to join us today! :-) Ch'kara, will you tell us a bit about yourself and how many books you've written?

Ch'kara: Hi Mistral, well I live in Australia (down South) with my beautiful husband and our furry kids, two beautiful Maine Coons - our boy Tobiah Tiger Cat and our girl Katya Snow Queen. We live in the mountains next to a forest, where the deer come into our property at night and nibble on some of the shrubs. I don’t mind they keep them under control for us. We grow our own vegetables and try to be as sustainable as possible.

My first novel is called Daughter of Light & Dark and is fantasy. I have been told by others that they believe it is YA. I imagine they think that because there is not much blood and death and no sex, although there is a love interest or two. The second one in that series should have been out by now but due to unforeseen circumstances it was delayed. I am definitely going to have it out this year.

I have written several short stories which I published and I have several other novels that have been started and need to get cracking on and finish.

Me: Wow! You're home sounds idyllic! :-) It's totally understandable that life sometimes gets in the way of writing, best of luck on getting back to it! :-) What is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?

Ch'kara: As I said, it is called Daughter of Light & Dark. My main character kept coming to me, although I did not have her name. I could see her clearly what she looked like, her personality etc. Then one day I walked into the bank and the teller who served me reminded me of her and her name was Montayna and so she was named. Some of my characters have come from people I know and they all come and tell me what they want and how their role should evolve.

Me: Ha! Your characters sounds a lot like mine! Pushy people! ;-) What are you working on now?

Ch'kara: I am working on Daughter of Ancient Prophecy, which is the second book. I am hoping to have it out some time this year. It still has to go to the Beta readers and then contact my cover artist; I will be using the same one. She is a fantastic Australian artist Selena Fenech.

Me: Yeah, I love my beta readers and cover artist too! Couldn't possibly do it without them! :-) What authors, or books have influenced you?

Ch'kara: Wow, there are so many wonderful authors that I love David Eddings, Terry Brooks, Patricia Briggs, Kim Harrison, Jennifer Fallon, to name just a few.

And now there are some wonderful Indie authors. There are so many I love, but some who I have read all of their work are Jade Kerrion, Linell Jeppsen, L W Browning, Susan Illene, Lisa Williamson and there are so many more.

Me: Some of those authors are on my list of favs too!! :-) Especially LW Browning, she's totally awesome! :-) What are you reading now?

Ch'kara: Well I am currently reading your book Taken By The Huntsman. It was recommended to me by my friend L W Browning and I’m loving it. I wish I could just curl up on the sofa and read it till the end, but life gets in the way.

Me: AAAHHH!! *happy dance* Thank you so much!! I'm thrilled you're enjoying it!! :-) And like I said, LW is totally the bomb!! :-) For those who might consider reading your book, what would you tell them to expect?

Ch'kara: Well I would say if you like a fantasy quest adventure, then come on the journey and join the cast of wizard, sorceress’, shape shifters, faerie, wolves, elves, and the dark lord. The story unfolds as Montayna discovers who she is and where she came from, and why she has the abilities that are unfolding for her.

Me: Wow!! Sounds like an amazing read!!! :-) What is your favorite part of being an author?

Ch'kara: Apart from being able to work in my pajamas lol, I love being able to go on the journey my characters take me on. They are like old friends who come alive on the pages.

Me: Yeah, that is an extremely fun part of being an author. :-) Do you have a day job as well?

Ch'kara: No, I was blessed to be able to stop working several years ago. My husband said I ought to give up the day job and concentrate on my writing, and soon after that I had major surgery and was recovering from that.

Me: Oh! I hope you are fully recovered. It's wonderful your husband takes such good care of you. :-) What would you say are the hardest and easiest parts about being a writer?

Ch'kara: I think at times it’s hard to keep focused if you get negativity.

For me, I also think one of the hardest things is staying focused on one thing. I am creative and can get distracted, and if I am on a role and someone interrupts me, I have to stop what I am doing and go back to it at another time.

The easiest is following my characters as they take me on their journey. This may sound contradictory but if I AM left alone, then I can be in ‘the zone’ for ages which is what I love.

Me: HA! I know exactly what you mean!! World, please go away and let me work! ;-) What genre do you place your book in?

Ch'kara: I put it in Fantasy, although as I said I have been told it’s more YA. I leave it up to readers to decide.

Me: Always a wise decision. ;-) Anything else you'd like to tell your readers?

Ch'kara: I thank each and every reader for their support and I would say that when you read a book you enjoy, particularly from Indie authors take the time to write a review. Positive feedback is always helpful to authors.

And I would like to thank you Mistral for the opportunity to connect with your followers.

Blessed Be!

Me: Amen!! You are more than welcome, Ch'kara, thank you so much for joining us today! :-) And so all of these fine folks can find your work, are there any links you'd like me to post?

Amazon US:

Amazon UK:






Wonderful1! :-) Everyone, I hope you've enjoyed our chat today and that you'll stay tuned for the latest in Mistral's Musings!! :-) In the meantime, have fun!!


  1. Yay!!! Ch'kawa Silverwolf is a an author to watch. She writes fantasy and it's wonderful.

  2. She is pretty awesome, and so are you Lalo. Thank you!! :-)
