

Monday, January 12, 2015

Beth Hale Interviewed By Mistral Dawn

Hi Everyone! :-)

Today we have Beth Hale with us, a 33-year-old book junkie who lives in a very small town in Mississippi with her husband and two children. She has two books to her name so far!

Me: So Beth, what is the name of your latest book and what inspired it?

My latest book is Magnolia Secrets. It was inspired by a conversation I had with a friend about the need for more domestic violence awareness.

Me:  Awesome! A very important issue in our society. So, what are you working on now?

Beth:  I am currently working on Taming James. It is the second book in the Unexpected Emotion Series. The first book is Trusting Jack, available now.

Me:  How cool! What authors, or books have influenced you?

Beth:  I love Mary Higgins Clark and Nora Roberts. I also grew up reading what my mother called “smut-filled romance novels” and Harlequin romance books.

Me:  Great! Always gotta love the classics. ;-) And w
hat are you reading now?

Beth:  I am currently reading The Collector by Nora Roberts and Killing Patton by Bill O’Reilly.

Me:  Sounds like fun! And for those who might consider reading your book, what would you tell them to expect?

Beth:  Character-driven plots and steamy love scenes along with strong, Southern women and the men who love them.

Me:  They sound great! :-) Do you have a favorite part of being an author?

Beth:  My favorite part of being an author is slipping into the worlds I create.

Me:  That is fun! Escapism at it's best! ;-) Do you have a day job as well?

Beth:  I have a night job. I work 6 pm to 6 am as an E-911 dispatcher. I have been dispatching for ten years and I love it.

Me:  That sounds like a lot of responsibility! No wonder you need an escape now and again. ;-) But even the best escape outlets have their challenges, what would you say are the hardest and easiest part about being a writer?

Beth:  The hardest part is the writer’s block. When it hits, my house stays exceptionally clean and my husband gets lots of baked goodies. The easiest part is just letting the characters come alive and watching the scenes play out in my mind.

Me:  Ha! Your husband is a lucky man: a wife with a steamy imagination who likes to bake! ;-)  What genre do you place your book in?

Beth:  I would place my books in the romance genre. 

Me:  Well they sound like they would be a lot of fun and a credit to the genre. :-) Anything else you'd like to tell your readers?

Beth:  I would love for my readers to contact me with any questions or comments, either via my website or at  I respond to each message personally. Also, they should feel free to follow me on twitter, facebook, and instagram. The links are on my website. And if you haven’t checked out my books yet, please do! If you like sweet and sexy romances, you should enjoy my books.

Me:  Awesome! And to help everyone find your books, are there any links you'd like me to post?

You can visit my website at:
You can get a copy of Magnolia Secrets here:
Trusting Jack is available here:
And you can check out my Amazon author page here: 

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