

Saturday, January 31, 2015

A Change

Hi Everyone!!  :-)

First, let me say that I am honored, flattered, and thrilled that so many of you are kind enough to stop by and read my blog.  When you take the time to read my words and respond, it makes me happier than I can express.  I in no way want to discourage anyone from commenting on my posts, or letting me know what they think.

If you love my work, I'm ecstatic. Really, nothing gives me joy like hearing that my stories entertained you.  If you think my writing needs improvement, I'm happy to hear your suggestions and I truly do keep them in mind when I'm working.  Constructive criticism can only help me improve my craft.

What I won't accept, what I can never allow on this blog, are comments that are personal, spiteful, bullying, or just down right rude; especially when such comments are directed towards one of my guests.  Would you allow someone to come into your home and insult a guest you had invited?  Neither will I.  While I very much believe that people have the right to say whatever they wish, that does not translate into an obligation for me to listen.  Anyone who wishes to, may create their own blog and write about whatever topics catch their fancy, but I will not allow negativity or intolerance here.

I'm very sorry to say that, recently, someone began leaving unkind, hurtful, and disrespectful comments about one of my guests.  Because of this, I've had to change the settings on my blog so that all comments have to be approved by me before they will post.  This was something I did rather reluctantly, as I honestly would prefer to allow you all to speak and exchange ideas freely, but unfortunately one person's failure to act maturely has made this impossible.  I will review comments as often as possible, and approve any and all that are respectful and thoughtful (whether I agree with them or not), even if they are critical of my work.  This change is not meant to stifle honest debate or disagreement, but only to prevent intimidation and meanness.

Thank you all again for reading, and I hope you understand why I've done what I've done.  Have a wonderful, safe, fun weekend!! :-)



  1. I'm sorry you've had to deal with someone being a bully of sorts. That's never alright.

    1. Thanks Mary, I agree, it isn't. But hopefully this will solve the problem. :-)
