

Sunday, December 25, 2022

A Holiday Escape

Hey Everyone!! 😊

I hope you're all having a FANTABULOUS holiday season!! But just in case you could use a break from all the merry-making -- or your family 😉 -- let me recommend you make a quick escape into that new Kindle/tablet/phone/etc and indulge in a hot, fairytale romance. Enjoy!! 

Taken by the Huntsman:
Cassie sighed. She could see she wasn’t going to win this argument either. The music that was playing in the background caught her attention, and she used it as an excuse to change the subject.

“Where is the music coming from?”

“Some of my people like to play in the evening. I asked them to play in the sitting room down the hall, if they chose to play this evening.”


“Because I would like to dance with you, and I am hoping that you will agree.”

Cassie studied the being sitting next to her. She had never met a male like him before. He stated what he wanted boldly, with no apology, but he was willing to take "no" for an answer.  She knew that the choice truly was hers.  If she told him she didn’t want to dance with him, he wouldn’t attempt to coerce or guilt her into it. He would simply accept her decision.

The men she had known before had either demanded and then whined when they didn’t get their way, or they refused to speak their minds and then sulked when what they wanted didn’t happen. Cadeyrn had the annoying and disconcerting habit of often making decisions without consulting others. But he had also shown himself willing and able to listen and, at times, to compromise.

So far, the only times he had truly ignored her wishes was in keeping her in Fairie and in not stopping Yestin’s torture. She had to admit that her attempt to interfere with the laws the Erlking was enforcing had been rather arrogant on her part. If she had walked up to the warden of a jail in the United States and demanded he take a prisoner out of solitary confinement because she thought it was inhumane, she’d have met with no more success than she had in Yestin’s case. Whether she agreed with them or not, the laws of Fairie were the laws. And, as a Fae, Yestin was subject to them. Cadeyrn was just doing his job and had been exceedingly patient with her objections.

His excuse for keeping her in Fairie against her will was that she would be in danger if he did not keep her in protective custody.  She thought that was probably true.  But it still didn’t seem right to her that her freedom should be curbed because of some crazy fairy-bond-thing.

She couldn’t say he was entirely right in his decision to keep her captive; she thought, if she could get back to Earth, she could probably disappear and be safe enough from fairies. But, without more information about the capabilities of the Fae, she couldn’t say he was entirely wrong either. In the final analysis, though, it was her life, so it should be her decision.  At least, that was her opinion on the matter. Still, she had to admit that for someone who had absolute power, he was amazingly liberal in his behavior and attitudes.

“Yes, I’ll dance with you.”

Cadeyrn gave her a heart-stopping smile and stood, holding his hand out to her.

Placing her hand in his, she allowed him to help her from her chair. She laughed as she looked up at him and noted their disparity in heights.

“Do you think it’ll hurt your back to stoop so low?”

“Ha! Not at all. Watch.” With that, he swept her up into his arms and held her tight against him as he whirled around the dining room in time to the music.

Cassie laughed as her feet dangled above the floor. “I don’t really think this qualifies as dancing.”

Cadeyrn gave her a smoldering look and allowed her to slide down the front of his body. She couldn’t help but be impressed by what she felt his pants concealing. When her feet touched the floor, she looked up at him and shivered from the heat she saw in his eyes. Would taking this male to bed really be so bad?  Just because she slept with him, didn’t mean she was vowing to spend forever with him. And she was sure that several hundred thousand years of practice would have honed more than just his debating skills. It was definitely something to consider.

Want to see what sort of celebration dancing can lead to? Grab your copy at the link below. Happy reading! 😊

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Bringing The Fireworks! 😉

Hey Everyone!! 😊

Given current events in the US, it's with a somewhat heavy heart that I'd like to wish a Happy Independence Day to all my fellow Americans. And to everyone else, Happy Monday! To celebrate, or to escape from reality for a little while, I thought I'd share some Fae-style fireworks with you. Enjoy! 😉

Excerpt from Taken By The Huntsman:
As she exited the shower and grabbed a towel to dry herself, Cassie marveled at how much of a difference being clean could make in how a person felt. She turned to get a second towel to wrap around her hair when the candles in the bathroom were suddenly snuffed out. She fumbled a bit in the darkness until she felt the warm firmness of her mate’s chest against her back. The feel of him so close to her made things low in her body tighten.

After speaking with Arthfael and learning that no problems had cropped up in his absence, and that his attention was not needed urgently anywhere in the castle, Cadeyrn had hurried up to the room he now shared with his Anamchara and prepared a surprise for her. He hoped she would be receptive since he had wanted to try something similar with her for some time. But, as they had discussed on their trip back to the castle, trust was not her strong suit. And what he had in mind would take some trust on her part.

“Cadeyrn? Why are the lights out? Is something wrong?”

The Erlking wrapped his arms around his Anamchara and let his magic flow over her, drying her skin and hair. When she gasped in surprise, he bent over her and gently scraped his lengthening fangs up her neck to whisper in her ear.

“Nothing’s wrong. I want to make love to you, and I am hoping you’ll agree. And that you’ll let me show you something new.”

When she heard her lover’s words, moisture trickled from her core and down her thigh. She inhaled a shuddering breath and nodded her head.

“Okay, what do you want me to do?”

“First, I want you to wear this,” said Cadeyrn, as he gently placed a silken blindfold around her eyes.

Cassie jumped when she felt the fabric cover her eyes and reached up to touch it with her hands.

Cadeyrn gently caught her hands and returned them to her sides.

It surprised her that he had known she had moved. “You can see in this darkness?”

“Yes, I can see perfectly. I will keep the candles unlit, and the hearth is dark, but the blindfold will further assure that you cannot see. Do you agree to this?”

She nodded.

“Do you remember the word to say if you want to stop?”


“Yes.” Growling, he scooped her up into his arms.

When she felt herself lifted into the air, Cassie gasped. And when he tossed her lightly onto the bed, she yelped and giggled.

Cadeyrn came down on top of his Anamchara as soon as she landed on the bed and kissed her passionately. She kissed him back and, as they explored each other’s mouths, he gently took one of her hands and slipped it through the loop of a silken rope he had prepared. The other end of the rope was tied to one post of the headboard. As he secured the knot around her wrist, she jerked against it.


“Do you trust me?”


“Then relax.”

Want to see just how hot this celebration gets? Grab your copy at the link below. Happy reading! 😊